Wordpress Toolbox

The swiss army knife for wordpress

Working with many wordpress installs is cumbersome and time consuming. Sometimes you need just to perform simple tasks that are done way better without having to enter into wordpress admin and look for some plugin to do it.
Here are some tools that i use to make my life easier when working with wordpress, all under the same hood. They are specifically designed to be useful when cloning a wordpress site to a new one, here is what you can do with these tools:

  • Backup and restore the database
  • Backup and restore the files, divided by core files, content files, themes and plugins
  • Change wordpress domain
  • Search and Replace content in the database and in the files
  • Forcefully login to wp-admin without having to know the password
  • Change the admin user or create new ones
  • Clear comments and prevent further comments to be posted
  • Clear all woocommerce orders and associated data
  • Malware scan, and tools to help you manually review and clean the site
  • Fix file and folder rights
  • Prepare mysql dump by search and replacing strings before you import it
  • Delete revisions
  • SQL snippets that are easy to be extended with your own snippets (code editing required)

WARNING: These tools are very powerful and can destroy your site if used improperly. They are designed to be used by advanced users that know what they are doing. Never leave a copy of these tools on production website, delete as soon as you finish using them.

Support the development and update of this tool, and you will receive a copy and free updates. You can even request custom features to be added to it.
ANY AMOUNT is welcome. Please specify in notes it is for the wordpress toolbox, and i shall reply in 48h with your copy of these tools. If you have any specific requirements, please email me. https://www.paypal.com/buttons/